Sunday, August 8, 2010


Today Uncas and I were able to get away for a few hours while our friends came over and watched Eddie.  They brought their darling daughter Ashley who is 3 days younger than Eddie.  When we left Eddie was sleeping.  I was hoping they would have a good afternoon and it sounds like it was.  Eddie took some good naps for them and the kids had fun playing together.
Check out Ashley's cute skirt!

Giving her a kiss!

What happy babies!

Checking out Ashley
Uncas and I went to a bookstore, did a little shopping and saw the movie Inception.  The movie was good - it definitely made you think.  We really enjoyed our time together, but I was happy to see Eddie when we got home.

This weekend Eddie also tried sweet potatoes for the first time.  I don't think he quite knew what to make of them.  He ate them, but he had the funniest looks on his face.  I am sure it was because the flavor was unlike anything else he has had before. 
What is this stuff?!

I am not sure how I feel about this orange stuff.


JoAnne said...

What cute pictures of Eddie & Ashley! Looking forward to see you guys soon!

LisaD said...

Glad you guys had a nice day out! So, uh, what's Eddie drinking in that last photo? ;)