Friday, September 10, 2010


Eddie still hasn't learned how to crawl yet, (as I whisper "thank goodness"), but that doesn't mean he can't get around.  The other day Uncas found Eddie checking out the hardwood floors.

See how happy and proud of himself he is?  This also keeps me motivated to sweep the floors a little more frequently.  So far he has managed to stay away from Sammy's bed and bag of toys, but I know it's only a matter of time before he discovers those.

He still hasn't quite got the sitting up thing mastered, but we try to practice.  I think he would rather be on his belly because he can move around and sitting up requires him to sit still.

And thanks to all who commented about the sleeping thing.  Yesterday ended up being a really good day.  Although he was tired, he took great naps and was in a pretty good mood all day long!

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