Above is the "before" picture. I actually took it last year, right around this time, when we had our home inspection. I didn't think to take any before pictures today. It's a little hard to see, but it makes more sense when you see the "after" picture.
Yeah - can you really call it pruning when we basically hacked off all the branches? Lilacs are hardy and if not next year, then the year after we should have some pretty nice bushes. Of course, the result of our work was this:That was only one pile. I know you are thinking - wow - what a lot of work for you and Uncas. But don't you worry. We had some help from Sammy.
Ok - so maybe his idea of help was taking the sticks off of the piles we made and chew them or else get in the way as we were sawing, but he sure wanted to be in the middle of everything.
As a result of the fresh air, sunshine and hard work, we are all exhausted tonight. But it feels good to have worked out in the yard. I am glad we were able to enjoy the day. I know that folks in WI and IL were treated to some lovely snow.
Here is one last picture of Sammy, from earlier in the day.