Monday, February 8, 2010


This post is Not Baby Related (NBR) for a change.  Instead it's baking related! 

Last week on my other blog, the author of the cookbook that Lisa and I are baking our way through, Beth Lipton, left us comment.  We were so excited!  I also follow her on Twitter, and I noticed that she tweeted about us as well.  And yesterday on her blog, she also mentioned us and our blog again.  It's funny because she is just as excited and thrilled that we are using her cookbook as we are from hearing from her!  It also means we have a little bit more pressure to follow through with our project!

Also related to our baking project - I feel as though I should give a little bit more background and credit to why I even thought up this project in the first place.  One of the blogs that I follow, Stir it! Scrape it! Mix it! Bake it! is written by a friend of a friend.  Her name is Abby and I have actually met her a few times.  She is currently working her way through a bread making cookbook.  I was so impressed by this and love reading her blog as she recounts the recipes that she has made.  I decided that it would be fun to do something like that as well and recruited Lisa because I needed someone else to keep me accountable for this project.

But what impresses me most about Abby is that she not only is baking bread, which seems far more time-consuming than whipping up some quick dessert, but that she has two young children and works full-time as a teacher!  I figured if she could find the time to make bread weekly, then surely I can find time to make a dessert weekly - even with a new baby on the way.

So - thank you Abby for your inspiration!  Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to attempt to work my way through The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread!


Ella said...

Ha! How cool that the author found your blog!

I don't know how Abby does it, either - she not only bakes bread, she also cooks nummy, healthy, homemade dinners every night for her family - she is supermom!!!

Abby said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Summer! You totally made my day today! =) (And I noticed and was *very* impressed when your cookbook author commented on your other blog . . . How cool is that?!)