Wednesday, September 23, 2009

16 Weeks and Appointment with Midwife

This week I am in my 16th week of pregnancy!  Yesterday we had our first "centering pregnancy" appointment.  We are going the midwife route and the clinic that I go to offers this neat option of having "group" appointments throughout your pregnancy. 

Each appointment is 2 hours and you meet privately with the midwife while she checks you and listens for the baby's heartbeat and then we meet as a big group to discuss different topics.  They have snacks available too!

There are several cool things about doing this.  First, we are able to meet a bunch of different people who are all due around the same time as us (they group you by due date).  There are 12 mom's in our group.  Most of them are first time mom's, but for one woman, it's her 6th child!  Another benefit is that we cover different topics each week including, nutrition, breastfeeding, labor and delivery, and caring for a newborn, so it eliminates the need to take other classes.  And even though each appointment is 2 hours, they start and end on time, so there isn't any sitting around because the clinic is running late. 

Currently we have them once a month, but starting in the December they increase to twice a month.  I definitely think this is a good way to go for our first child.  We have already met some really nice people in the class.

As for me, I am doing just fine.  So far I have only gained about 9 lbs and for the most part I can still fit into my normal clothes.  I think that is definitely going to change in the next two weeks.  We heard the little heart beating again, nice and strong yesterday, so that is always reassuring.  Today I scheduled our 20 week ultrasound for October 15th. And even though we aren't going to find out the sex of the baby, we am still really excited to see Little Nimzlet again and see how much it's grown since the last ultrasound.  So - all in all, everything is moving along just fine.

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