Friday, March 12, 2010


From sitting around yesterday to walking today. To get out of the house and do something, we decided to walk all three floors of Mall of America. It was slow as I don't move quite that fast and we did do some shopping and stopped for lunch. I had hoped to get things progressing, but really I just came home with sore feet, an aching back and belly and just over all feeling exhausted. I promptly took a nap!

This morning we took "41 week" belly pictures a day early. Maybe (fingers crossed) these will be the last ones we take!

As mentioned above, we did a bit of shopping today.  We got the baby a new outfit and then we saw this bib and we HAD to get it!


Ella said...

cute bib! You're looking fabulous!

Abby said...

it'll be soon! and i'm firmly convinced that walking is the way . . . we walked around the lake and zoo for two straight days, came home, took a nap, and contractions started! good luck!!! and ella's right - you look great!