Saturday, March 6, 2010

Due Date

Today is the day we have been waiting for since the end of June.  Our baby's due date.  40 weeks.  I made it!

And here I sit at home - not too shocking since from the very beginning I just knew that I was going to be late.  Actually, we having done much sitting at home today.  My mother-in-law was in town, so we went to lunch with her.  Then we headed to the store to buy chair cushions for our new dining room chairs.  Our new dining room table and chairs were delivered yesterday afternoon.  Then we decided just for fun to look at new cars!  And then we came home and took Sammy for a walk. 

My comfort level isn't awful at the moment - especially since I slept pretty decent last night.  But I would be lying if I said that I didn't care that I haven't had the baby yet.  I want to meet this little person who has been inside of me for all these months.  But it's out of my control for the moment, so we sit and wait.


Ella said...

Can't wait to meet this baby!!! Glad you are hanging in there! It will be soon, no matter what :)

JoAnne said...

Happy due date. Glad you are busy today. I'd sure like to miss work for a few days this week, come on and have a "birth" day baby Nimzlet!