Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Place to Sleep

We have been slowly working on cleaning out the nursery for the baby.  We started early because we have had to get rid of some furniture (love Craigslist!) and shuffle some stuff around in the upstairs bedrooms.  By Monday night, the room was empty of all non-baby related furniture!


Please ignore the blaze orange hunting jacket of my husband's in the closet - it's only temporarily being stored in there.  The tall white storage units will probably go in the closet.  I have started collecting all of our current baby stuff in and on them.

Picture of kids playing musical chairs.  Given to me by my grandma.

My parents generously offered to purchase the crib for us.  Due to the coming holidays and all the craziness with that, they decided it would be easiest to just order it now.  The crib came in this week and last night we picked it up from the store. 

When we got home and hauled it upstairs, we opened it to make sure we had all the pieces.  And then Uncas declared "I'm just going to put it together now!"  So he did!

Uncas reading the instructions.

Sammy supervising from my lap.

It only took Uncas about an hour and a half to assemble the whole thing.  I was on hand to help hold stuff periodically, but really it was all Uncas.  Sammy was around too, watching for a while, sniffing around and licking Uncas's hand as he was attempting to screw stuff in.  That was very helpful!

And now we have a crib for the baby!

We still need a mattress and so many other things to complete the room, but it's definitely a start.  We probably won't do much more in the room until after the holidays.  Even though the baby won't even be sleeping up here initially, it's nice to have one of the "big things" out of the way!


LisaD said...

Lookin' good! It'll be fun seeing the transformation as you guys keep adding to the room! Keep the pictures coming! :D

Ella said...

Looks great in there! Can't wait to see it when everything comes together!

Doc Blume said...

Those pictures look like us a little over a year ago. :)